#BigFella40 | Captain of the World Sarcastic Team - PGA of Australia

#BigFella40 | Captain of the World Sarcastic Team

An impression is what the Big Fella left on whoever he met.

To celebrate what would have been Jarrod Lyle’s 40th birthday, Challenge and the PGA have asked Jarrod’s family, friends, colleagues, and the infinite people he influenced, to share their favourite stories of the affable Tour Professional.

An impression is what the Big Fella left on whoever he met.

This was no more evident than when he first arrived on the Tour scene in the US, with players asking me “Who is this guy? He’s as funny as shit!”

Little did they know Jarrod had taken over from me as the captain of the World Sarcastic Team.

In the early days, the American players had no clue that the Big Fella was taking the piss out of them and just having some fun.

Jarrod would put on the good old Aussie slang, which left the Americans puzzled, trying to work out what he was saying. When they finally caught on, he became the most loved Aussie of all time. 

When the Big Fella arrived in Orlando, Florida, he started practicing at the course where I was a member and all the golf coaches there had no idea what he was saying.

One coach even asked me, “Gowie, do they speak a different language in Shepparton? I’ve been speaking to Jarrod for 20 minutes and only understood half of what he is saying!”

The Big Fella decided to live in Orlando, to the delight of me and my family. This meant there was another big kid to play with, someone to talk shit with and have money games to keep our skills sharp on our weeks off. And maybe a few drinks after the round (or more than just a few!).  

On these ‘off’ weeks, I would try and convince the Big Fella to come to the gym and try and trim up a bit. It would always be the same response; “Not interested in meeting Jim” he would say, followed by “How about when you start hitting past me I will come to the gym?” Well it happened – I hit a drive past him in a practice round…

What a sight, the Big Fella at the YMCA gym, running on the treadmill! After a good solid two minutes he said, “This is not only hurting me, it’s disturbing all the other members.”

One of my fondest memories of the Big Fella was the day he told me he had met a girl. He never got too excited about much, but you could tell he had found the love of his life and was so excited to bring her into the wonderful world of golf.

How I miss the Big Fella’s quick wit and the way he could turn the conversation into the happy place we all wanted to be. I can still hear him say, “Gowie, why do you get so angry after a bad shot? You get another chance, dickhead.” It still makes me laugh when I remember that. 

Miss you. 


To find out more about Jarrod’s ongoing legacy as part of Challenge – supporting kids with cancer, head to challenge.org.au/jarrods-gift/

Paul Gow is a three-time Korn Ferry Tour winner and close friend of Jarrod.

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