#BigFella40 | The Kransky roll - PGA of Australia

#BigFella40 | The Kransky roll

Where does one start? I’ve got so many memories of Jarrod, and most bring a smile to my face.

To celebrate what would have been Jarrod Lyle’s 40th birthday, Challenge and the PGA have asked Jarrod’s family, friends, colleagues, and the infinite people he influenced, to share their favourite stories of the affable Tour Professional.

Where does one start? I’ve got so many memories of Jarrod, and most bring a smile to my face. 

However there’s one memory that stands out, and for me it also exemplifies his determination.

It happened during his recovery phase at the Leukemia Foundation apartment in early 2018, where I was taking a turn in looking after him.

One morning I said that I intended to go up to the Vic Market to get some fresh vegies and meat.

A cheeky gleam came into Jarrod’s eyes and he said “I reckon I could come too!”

At that point in time, the furthest he’d been able to walk was across the road to Peter Mac for blood tests, so I was a little bit nervous about him being able to make it the several blocks (mainly uphill) to the market.

But I couldn’t dampen his enthusiasm, so off we set. 

It was quite a warm day and it wasn’t long before he was breaking a sweat, but he didn’t slow down. 

About halfway there he said “I can already taste that Kransky roll!”

This was the motivator he had in his head. Upon reaching the market, I became a bit bossy, telling him to sit and not touch anything as it wasn’t very clean and he had come out of a sterile environment.

Onlookers must have wondered if I was crazy as I got busy with disinfecting wipes.

I bought the things we needed and I brought back the kransky roll that he so desired.

A big grin broke across his face which made all the concern and effort worthwhile. 

The walk back was not easy as it was even hotter and his legs were feeling like jelly, but he made it. 

He was totally exhausted but ever so pleased with himself after so many weeks of inactivity.

It was a real milestone in his recovery process and he couldn’t wait to call Briony and tell her about it.

We were all really proud of him.

His determination to have that sausage was incredible, and something I’ll never forget.

Jarrod’s photo sits on our mantle and I often have a bit of a chat to the Big Fella with the infectious grin. 

Remembered always.

To find out more about Jarrod’s ongoing legacy as part of Challenge – supporting kids with cancer, head to challenge.org.au/jarrods-gift/

Carol MacDonald is a former member at The Sands in Torquay and close friends of the Lyle family.

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