#BigFella40 | My big cousin - PGA of Australia

#BigFella40 | My big cousin

We have so many memories of Jarrod that it is hard to narrow it down.

To celebrate what would have been Jarrod Lyle’s 40th birthday, Challenge and the PGA have asked Jarrod’s family, friends, colleagues, and the infinite people he influenced, to share their favourite stories of the affable Tour Professional.

Ellie Fitzpatrick

We have so many memories of Jarrod that it is hard to narrow it down.

For myself growing up, it was always so special when we got to Christmas time. Jarrod would make sure he was home for Christmas every year.

He always put in the extra effort for us when we were kids and we felt so special because he would pick us up from school.

We would often spend the day (or week) leading up to his arrival telling everyone who would listen that our “big cousin Jarrod” was coming home and that he was coming to pick us up from school. 

What made it even better was that he never waited in the car, so we could point out our “big cousin Jarrod” and run like the wind to meet him. 

Fraser Fitzpatrick

I have many a memory of Jarrod, from the Christmases to the constant teasing about being shorter than him.

Although that didn’t last very long – I caught up to him faster than anyone could have predicted! 

One of the most vivid memories I have is about Jarrod and fairy bread. Always the fairy bread.

He used to eat it any chance he got. I think it’s thanks to him that I loved it so much when I was younger.  

Jarrod was one of very few genuine and decent people in my life growing up, something I didn’t realise till much later on.

After everything, Jarrod made my life that little bit happier.

He’ll always be my big cousin. 

To find out more about Jarrod’s ongoing legacy as part of Challenge – supporting kids with cancer, head to challenge.org.au/jarrods-gift/

Ellie and Fraser Fitzpatrick are cousins of Jarrod Lyle.

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